Bedrock Acquires Procoto to Revolutionize Procurement Processes and Enhance Enterprise Supplier Management Capabilities.
Save an average of $1.5 million for every $1 billion in supplier spend with Bedrock's automated 3-step revenue recovery services.
Our statement and disbursement audit uses 40+ unique algorithms to identify duplicate and erroneous invoices. With no upfront costs and reduced manual labor hours through automation, Bedrock's revenue recovery services will put money back in your account while saving on costs.
With no upfront costs and no additional risk to you, we only get paid when we successfully process any claim. It's a win-win.
Send us your raw data and our team takes care of the rest.
We offer a zero risk recovery audit with no cost to you, so we only win when you win. While we’ve never conducted a recovery audit and came up empty, if we are unable to recover funds, you incur zero costs!
On average, we are recovering upwards of $1.5 million in lost revenue for every $1 billion in supplier spend.
We recommend at least a 36-month initial lookback period when conducting the first audit, with an annual recovery audit each following year.
Prevent is designed to be a proactive tool for forward looking payments, preventing duplicate payments from being processed at the point of issuance. Recover allows us to take a historical look at all of your payments, identifying duplicate/erroneous payments that have already slipped through the cracks and putting money back in your account.
You need a partner willing to handle the integrations and make the phone calls in addition to providing a powerful platform and automation tools.
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